Enrollment Planning
Q: What is Cal Poly's Academic Plan, and how is it connected to enrollment planning?
Cal Poly’s Academic Plan focuses on the University's future leadership role as a premier, comprehensive polytechnic university.
Elaborating on the values in the University’s Vision 2022, the academic plan addresses
- the overall character of Cal Poly as an inclusive academic community,
- its Learn by Doing educational philosophy,
- the academic programs it offers,
- its commitment to student success, and
- its approach to scholarship and creative activity.
The Academic Plan then lays out the master plan implications for future enrollment as well as teaching and learning space for the campus.
If you have any questions about the Academic Plan, please contact Joe Borzellino, Director of Enrollment Planning and Management, at jborzell@calpoly.edu or (805) 756-5192.
Read Cal Poly's Academic Plan Here (pdf)
Q: What is the difference between the Strategic Plan, Vision 2022, the Academic Plan, and the Master Plan?
Here is a quick primer on the multifaceted planning activities happening at Cal Poly.
Strategic Plan
The University’s Strategic Plan is Cal Poly’s guiding document that establishes the direction for university decisions, funding priorities and actions. The foundations of the university strategic plan are based in the three main documents that follow.
See all future updates on all aspects of the Strategic Plan, including the three stages below.
Vision 2022 (aspirational goals for the entire campus)
Adopted in May 2014, Vision 2022 sets a framework for two major planning initiatives: the Academic Plan and the Campus Master Plan. Vision 2022 is an aspirational view of Cal Poly as the only comprehensive polytechnic university in the nation. It formed the basis for Academic Enrollment Planning, Master Planning, and the Cal Poly Strategic Plan.
Source: Vision 2022 (webpage from the Office of the President)
Academic Plan (strategic goals for Academic Affairs and student enrollment)
The academic plan focuses on the academic character of the university and lays out the implications for future enrollment as well as teaching and learning space.
Source: Academic Plan Final Report - April 25, 2016 (pdf)
For a history of the Academic Plan development and supporting documents, visit the Academic Planning Archives (via Kennedy Library).
Master Plan (facility improvement and development)
The Cal Poly Master Plan defines how the university is preparing to grow, innovate and improve the campus over the next 20 years. The Master Plan, guided by Vision 2022 and our Academic Plan for Enrollment, sets the locations, sizes and types of land use and facilities and circulation systems necessary to support the university’s Learn by Doing mission. The Master Plan envisions what the Cal Poly campus could look like in 2035. The updated Master Plan will be available to review mid-2019. Additionally, the university strategic plan is informed by the strategic plans of the colleges and divisions.
Source: As of 2019, The Master Plan was is under revision and will be re-issued soon. We will include the new link here once it becomes available.