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Office of the Provost

Cynthia Jackson-Elmoore

Cal Poly's Kennedy Library

Administrative Areas

In addition to the Colleges, there are multiple administrative departments in Academic Affairs. Information and offices' website links are listed below:

Academic Programs and Planning

The Academic Programs and Planning office facilitates academic planning for new and existing degree programs, manages the accreditation and program review process for all of Cal Poly’s academic programs, and oversees the University’s Instructionally Related Activities program (IRA).

The office is also responsible for developing academic policies, implementing system-wide California State University (CSU) initiatives and conducting reporting to meet all accountability requirements.

International and Extended Education

Library Services

University Advising

University Advising provides oversight for university-wide academic advising initiatives. We are charged with creating ongoing collaboration and communication with the advising community, providing assessment support for advising efforts, delivering advisor training and professional development opportunities, empowering the profession of advising, and revising and implementing policies focused on retention and student success. Read more about our office and initiatives on the University Advising website.

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